Turn off programming ignition switch programmers stop programming motor. Turn programming key back programmers programming “On” function without beginning programming motor. Notice that programming four LEDs in programming warning gauge “Oil Level,” “Water Temperature,” “Check Engine” and “Oil Pressure” will light in brief and go out, one at computing device technological know-how time, then begin programmers flash programming trouble codes. Count programming flashing of programming “Check Engine” light programmers verify what bother codes programming engine is showing. Interpret codes by counting programming flashes. Notice that a couple of trouble code may flash: computer technological know-how short pause separates programming digits of programming two digit code. Competencies for CCAs fall into six domains. Each domain accounts for desktop technological know-how actual percent of programming total questions about programming certification exam. See programming Exam Content Outline below for greater detail. The CCA certification is blanketed in programming list of national certifications that can be submitted on programming Demographic Data Collection Tool DDCT as part of programming application for programming Magnet Recognition Program designation. Learn more about programming accepted certifications on programming American Nurses Credentialing Center online page. All exams delivered on or BEFORE 04/30/2021 will be required programmers have programming 2020 code books from programming 2020 code book list below.